Download ChatterBot2WP

ChatterPal WordPress Plugins

ChatterBot2WP ChatterPal Plugins For WordPress

ChatterBot2WP Free Plugin Downloads

Current version: v 1.20


This is the plugin to add ChatterPal Campaigns to your WordPress Website.

Perfect for adding a single 3D presenter & chatbot to your entire website or just the home/front page.

No more messy code injection. This plugin adds all of the code required to display your campain.

How to use it:
On the plugin setting screen, enter your campaign ID, choose your options and save.
Your campaign will instantly appear on your website.

See below for installation & usage instructions.

Current version: v 1.10

ChatterBot2WP Agency

This is the plugin for ChatterPal Agency websites.

The easiest way to add demo ChatterPal campaign pages to your site.

This plugin creates a new page template that contains all the code required to display a demonstration campaign.

How to use it:
Create a new page (suggestion: name it after your potential client)
Select the 'ChatterBot2WP Agency' template and add just the campaign ID to the content.
You can then provide your client with a demonstration using your own domain name.

See below for installation & usage instructions.

Current version: v 1.0

ChatterBot2WP Redirect

This plugin creates a file on your website to redirect to "" so you can use your own domain name in the embed code you provide to your clients.

How to use it:

1. Enter a name for your redirect file.

2. Check the "Create File" check box

3. Click "Save Changes"

To remove your redirect file

1. Check the "Delete File" check box

2. Click "Save Changes"

The redirect file will be deleted.

Join the ChatterBot2WP Mailing List To Receive Update Notifications

To receive news about the latest updates to the ChatterBot2WP plugins

Enter your name and email address below.

Your email address will not be used for any other purpose other than notifying you about important updates to the plugins.

How To Install & Use ChatterBot2WP

1 Order The Plugin

It's FREE!!!!

Go to the download page and select the ChatterBot2WP plugin package.

You can sign up for update notifications while you're there too.

Your email address will only be used to inform you about any updates.

2 Download

Download the "" file to your computer.

  1. Unzip/extract the downloaded file on your computer.
  2. Open the extracted folder.
  3. locate the file inside the 'ChatterBot2WP_Plugin' folder
    you'll use the zip file in the next step.

BTW: You are allowed to provide copies of ChatterBot2WP to any of your clients who use WordPress. But if you want a more professional look you should upgrade to the Pro version.

3 Upload To WordPress

This plugin isn't available in the WordPress repository just yet so you'll need to upload it manually.

How: While logged in as an administrator or your WordPress site, go to Plugins, Add New and upload  file.


4 Activate

Once the plugin has been installed, click "Activate" next to ChatterBot2WP in the list of plugins.

5 Update Plugin Settings

In the side Menu of WordPress, under "Settings" click ChatterBot2WP.

Enter your ChatterPal Campaign ID, set any other options and press the "Save" button".

6 View Your Campaign

Your Campaign is now instantly visible on your website, ready to attract your visitor's attention and interaction.

How To Install & Use ChatterBot2WP Agency

1 Order The Plugin

It's FREE!!!!

Go to the download page and select the ChatterBot2WP plugin package.

You can sign up for update notifications while you're there too.

Your email address will only be used to inform you about any updates.

2 Download

download the "" file to your computer.

Unzip the file and open the extracted folder:
1. Read the 'readme.txt' file.
2. Notice 2nd file, "" (you need that in the next step)

3 Upload To WordPress

This plugin isn't available in the WordPress repository just yet so you'll need to upload it.

How: While logged in as an administrator of your WordPress site, go to Plugins, Add New and upload the '' zip file.


4 Activate

Once the plugin has been installed, click "Activate" next to ChatterBot2WP Agency in the list of plugins. Or the "Activate" button on the screen you're on, if there is one.

5 Create A Demo Campaign Page

1. Add a new page.
2. Select the "ChatterBot2WP Agency" template for the new page.
3. Give the new page a title (for its URL)
4. Add the ChatterPal Campaign ID into the content (Nothing else!).
5. Publish & view the new page

You can then provide the URL to your potential clients.

6 Impress Clients

The demo Campaign is now instantly visible on your website, with your domain name,  ready to impress your future clients.


For ChatterPal Agency Owners Who Want A More Professional Look

Do You Run Your Own ChatterPal Agency?

ChatterPal Agency 3D Avatars and chat bots

Do You Want Your Own Branded Version To Give Or Sell To Your Clients?

You Can Have Your Own Custom Branded Version Of ChatterBot2WP

ChatterBot2WP PRO

Customised Plugin For ChatterPal Agency Owners


You more than likely use your own creative name for the 3D avatars and intelligent chat bots that you create and provide for your clients.




  • You've seen how useful the ChatterBot2WP plugin is.
  • You want to give it to or offer it as an extra to your clients.


  • You want your own branded version.
  • You want to give it your own name.
  • You want your own logo to appear in the settings screen.
  • You want your own URLs to appear in the settings screen.
  • You want your own Agency name used in the plugin.


Now you can!


With ChatterBot2WP PRO:


  • Your version will be named by you Eg. Your Bot Name 2 WP.
  • Your clients that use it will then see "Your Bot Name 2 WP" in their setting menu of WordPress.
  • Your own links and logos will appear in the plugin settings menu.
  • All mentions of ChatterBot & ChatterPal (except for the necessary server names) will even be removed from the plugin and replaced with your brand name.
  • Free upgrades and full support included.
ChatterBot2WP ChatterPal Plugins For WordPress

Quality Plugin

All plugins have been tested with the latest version of WordPress.

Super Support

Support for allplugins is provided by the actual developer. All support requests relating to the ChatterBot2WP plugins will be handled with great importance.

Update Notifications

Optional notifications will be sent to users when important upgrades are released.

All future upgrades will be free for all users.

Note: ChatterBot2WP plugin & website is not affiliated with ChatterPal or it's associated programs or websites.
ChatterBot2WP is an independently developed plugin for WordPress created specifically for inserting ChatterPal campaign code into WordPress websites and blogs.

Questions about the plugins?

Find your answers in the Frequently Asked Questions page.